Thursday, January 18, 2007

life is a roller coaster

This is my first ever blog. Have been scratching my head over what should I write about… If it wasn’t my lecturer who forced me to write this blog, I would not even think about it. You must be wondering, what am I talking about? Or, ahh…it is kinda cliché. But, here it is …

I assume that you have rode the roller coaster before. How did you feel? The adrenaline? The up and down? We are so excited and always wanting to get on-board, but simultaneously we are scared. Sooo scared in fact. Once we get on the ride, we cannot escape from it anymore. We have to ride till finish, regardless of whether you feel like puking or not feeling well. The same scenario applies to our life. We will always have this up and down, there are time when we are very excited and there are times when we are really worried or scared. However, we should never stop trying. Like the roller coaster ride, we always want to get on another ride.

I was born on the 12th of April 1986 in Yangon, capital city of Myanmar. Unlike what the media here portrays about my country, I can assure you that I have a simple and yet carefree life. Just like typical Singaporean teens, most of my time are spent in school studying or having extracurricular activities, I even represented my school on swimming competition.

My life is always filled with ups and down. I am very proud to say that I was the class chairwoman for 3 consecutive years, part the Student Association for 2 years, and also the chief editor for my school magazine. Looking at this CV, you guys might think that I am such a high-flyer. However, no…In terms of study, I am not that good. Probably, the school environment is too competitive. Me and my friends have almost committed suicide twice during my high school. It is too much of work and work and not enough play. Nevertheless, these experiences certainly built me up tougher. I know how to handle stress and heavy workload better.

My arrival to Singapore can be said to be purely coincidental. I have never planned to come Singapore. My plan was to go to the States. However, my visa was twice rejected by the embassy. It is partly due to the difficult relationship between Myanmar and USA.
I was really lost at that time, I am not too sure what to do. Finally, I came to Singapore. Not for study actually, but for LASIK operation. After the LASIK, people were telling me, “If cannot get USA visa, study in Singapore lah… Here also world class.” Partly due to that, I ended up in the SIM-UB program which I applied immediately.

To wrap this up, I went from the high of being part of the Student Association and class president to the low of wanting to commit suicide in my high school. Since it is my last semester, I am glad that I have finished my degree study in SIM-UB after all those depressions , sadness , deadlines. Pop up quizs and exams , however, finally realizing that it is just a new start in my life. I have to pass through roller coasters journey all the time but realizing that the thing that matter the most is learn to cope with this life. I believe that life is full of ups and downs but success come to only those people who persevere. Enjoy every single moments of life with no regrets.


Blogger Ho Viet Hai said...

Dear, this is how ppl get to know you better. We haven't got chance to talk to each other much in school.
Well, like people in Myanmar, Vietnamese also have difficulties in getting passport to US. However, it is no the reason why I was in Singapore. It's just this is what I chose for my life.
I was nearly fell from my chair when I read that you almost committed suicide. Gosh! You are still here! Tks!
Live Life to the Fullest till you satisfy

January 18, 2007 at 8:11 AM  
Blogger Renhao said...

Yes indeed. It's very heartwarming to know that I can read this and you can share this with the world today because you made the decision to push through and not take the easy way out.

Looking forward to more posts. :)

January 19, 2007 at 4:33 AM  
Blogger ruz.rasid said...

hi charlotte,
been great knowing more abt u from just being my good friend in phi115 class :) hope u'r doing well perservering through yup. and u've been linked girl!
my link

January 20, 2007 at 1:09 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i agree life is a roller coaster but u know what i want to pass it like a stream!!!!! :)

February 2, 2007 at 6:45 AM  

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